CheeTah T3 Quad
- Ultrafast Timepix-3 technology
- Perfect for ultrafast 4D-STEM and UEM
- 512 x 512 pixels
- 1.56 ns pixel time resolution
- 260 ps TDC time resolution
CheeTah Ultra (M3 or T3)
- Large area hybrid pixel detector Perfect for combined techniques (3DED / EELS / 4D-STEM / UEM)
- 1024 x 512 pixels
- Gap-free monolithic sensor
- Available as Medipix-3 or Timepix-3 detector
CheeTah M3 Mega
- Large area 3D-ED detector
- Up to 3.000 fps in 12 bit mode Small pixels for best resolution on large unit cells
- Fully integrated in SerialEM or Instamatic