Category |
Publication |
Author |
Link |
Quantum Science |
Fast quantum ghost imaging with a single-photon-sensitive time-stamping camera |
Alex Mavian, Yang Xu, Cheng Li, Robert Boyd, Optica Publishing (2025) |
Nanosecond Nanothermometry in an Electron Microscope |
Florian Castioni et al. ACS Publications (2025) |
Quantum Science |
Biphoton state reconstruction via phase retrieval methods |
N.Dehghan et al. Optica Publishing (2024) |
Neutron Science |
Scintillator-based Timepix3 detector for neutron spin-echo techniques using intensity modulation |
Funama, Fumiaki, et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum (2024) |
Neutron Science |
Spin-Energy Entanglement of a Time-Focused Neutron |
J. C. Leiner, et al. arXiv (2024) |
Neutron Science |
Demonstration of neutron time‐of‐flight diffraction with an event‐mode imaging detector |
Jaeger, Losko, Wolfertz et al. J.Applied.Cryst (2024) |
Neutron Science |
Conceptual design of a macromolecular diffractometer for the Jülich high brilliance source |
Lieutenant et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum (2024) |
Quantum Science |
Engineering quantum states from a spatially structured quantum eraser. |
Carlo Schiano et al. Sci. Adv (2024) |
Quantum Science |
Background resilient quantitative phase microscopy using entangled photons |
Yingwen Zhang et al. arXiv (2024) |
Quantum Science |
Quantum light-field microscopy for volumetric imaging with extreme depth of field |
Yingwen Zhang et al. Phys. Rev. Applied (2024) |
Quantum Science |
Individual-Ion Addressing and Readout in a Penning Trap |
Brian J. McMahon, et al. arXiv (2024) |
Neutron Science |
Energy-Resolved Fast-Neutron Radiography Using an Event-Mode Neutron Imaging Detector |
Wolferz, Losko et al. Preprint (2024) |
Neutron Science |
LumaCam: A Novel Class of Position-Sensitive Event Mode Particle Detectors using Scintillator Screens |
Wolferz, Losko et al. Preprint (2024) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Improvements in Fast Mass Microscopy for Large-Area Samples |
Edith Sandström,Pascal Huysmans, Frans Giskes, Paul Laeven, Sebastiaan Van Nuffel, Ron M. A. Heeren, Ian G. M. Anthony
Anal.Chem (2024) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Processing Next-Generation Mass Spectrometry Imaging Data: Principal Component Analysis at Scale |
Kasper Krijnen, Paul Blenkinsopp, Ron M. A. Heeren, Ian G. M. Anthony
JAMS (2024) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
A versatile and transportable endstation for controlled molecule experiments |
Wuwei Jin, Hubertus Bromberger, Lanhai He, Melby Johny, Ivo S. Vinklárek, Karol Długołęcki, Andrey Samartsev, Francesca Calegari, Sebastian Trippel, Jochen Küpper
arXiv (2024) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Laser-induced Coulomb explosion of heteronuclear alkali-metal dimers on helium nanodroplets |
Simon H. Albrechtsen, Jeppe K. Christensen, Rico Mayro P. Tanyag, Henrik H. Kristensen, and Henrik Stapelfeldt
Phys Rev A (2024) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Quantum contributions to Coulomb-explosion imaging revealed by trajectory-surface-hopping molecular dynamics |
Vaibhav Singh, Chuan Cheng, Thomas Weinacht, and Spiridoula Matsika
Phys Rev A (2024) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Spatial and Temporal Detection of Ions Ejected from Coulomb Crystals |
JA Diprose, V Richardson, P Regan, A Roberts, S Burdin, A Tsikritea, K Mavrokoridis, BR. Heazlewood
JPhysChem (2024) |
Attosecond electron microscopy by free-electron homodyne detection |
Gaida et al. Nature Photonics (2024) |
Direct Observation of Sub-Poissonian Temporal Statistics in a Continuous Free-Electron Beam with Subpicosecond Resolution |
S. Borrelli, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. (2024) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Mutual Neutralization of NO+ with O− |
M Poline, A Dochain, S Rosén, MC Ji, P Reinhed, A Simonsson, M Larsson, HT Schmidt, H Zettergren, RD Thomas, SG Ard, NS Shuman, AA Viggiano
PRL (2024) |
Lorentz microscopy of optical fields |
Gaida, J.H., Lourenço-Martins, H., Yalunin, S.V. et al. Nat Commun (2024) |
Real-time electron clustering in an event-driven hybrid pixel detector |
J. Kuttruff, J. Holder, Y. Meng, P. Baum et al. Ultramicroscopy (2024) |
Terahertz control and timing correlations in a transmission electron microscope |
Joel Kuttruff et al. Sci. Adv (2024) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
State-resolved mutual neutralization of 16 O+ with 1 H− and 2 H− at collision energies below 100 meV |
AF Schmidt-May, PS Barklem, J Grumer, AM Amarsi, M Björkhage, M Blom, A Dochain, MC Ji, P Martini, P Reinhed, S Rosén, A Simonsson, H Zettergren, H Cederquist, HT. Schmidt |
Structured electrons with chiral mass and charge |
Yiqi Fang et al. Science (2024) |
Electron Imaging of Nanoscale Charge Distributions Induced by Femtosecond Light Pulses |
Weber, Jonathan T., Schäfer, Sascha et al. ACS Publications (2024) |
Femtosecond trimer quench in the unconventional charge-density-wave material |
Domr\"ose, Till and Ropers, Claus et al. Phys. Rev. B (2024) |
Electrons herald non-classical light |
Germaine Arend et al. arXiv (2024) |
Megahertz cycling of ultrafast structural dynamics enabled by nanosecond thermal dissipation |
Till Domröse and Leonardo da Camara Silva and Claus Ropers et al. arXiv (2024) |
Laser-driven cold-field emission source for ultrafast transmission electron microscopy |
A. Schröder et al. arXiv (2024) |
3DED |
Incommensurate Modulations and Perovskite Growth in LaxSr2−xMnO4−δ Affecting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Conductivity |
Vandermeulenbroucke et al. ACS Chemistry of Materials (2024) |
3DED |
In Situ Study of the Activation Process of MOF-74 Using Three-Dimensional Electron Diffraction |
Quintellier, Haderman et al. ACS (2024) |
Neutron Science |
A High-frequency, Low-power Resonant Radio-frequency Neutron Spin Flipper for High-resolution Spectroscopy |
S. McKay et al. arXiv (2024) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Update on MAC End-Station at ELI Beamlines Facility |
Klimešová, E., et al. Acta Phys. Pol. A (2024) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Timepix3: single-pixel multi-hit energy-measurement behavior |
Hubertus Bromberger et al. arXiv (2024) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
The mutual neutralization of hydronium and hydroxide |
Bogot, Zettergren, Schmidt et al. Science (2024) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Spatial and Temporal Detection of Ions Ejected from Coulomb Crystals |
Jake A. Diprose et al. ACS Publications (2024) |
Quantum Science |
Intensified Tpx3Cam, a fast data-driven optical camera with nanosecond timing resolution for single photon detection in quantum applications |
A. Nomerotski et al. IOP Science (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Characterisation of a single photon event camera for quantum imaging |
V. Vidyapin et al. Nature (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Snapshot hyperspectral imaging with quantum correlated photons |
Y.Zhang et al. Optica (2023) |
3DED |
Integration of an Event-driven Timepix3 Hybrid Pixel Detector into a Cryo-EM Workflow |
J. Paul van Schayck et al. Oxford Academic (2023) |
3DED |
True molecular conformation and structure determination by three-dimensional electron diffraction of PAH by-products potentially useful for electronic applications |
I. Andrusenko et al. IUCrj (2023) |
3DED |
High-throughput phase elucidation of polycrystalline materials using serial rotation electron diffraction |
Y. Luo et al. Nature communications (2023) |
3DED |
Direct structure determination of vemurafenib polymorphism from compact spherulites using 3D electron diffraction |
S. Li et al. Nature Communications (2023) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Time-Resolved Imaging of High Mass Proteins and Metastable Fragments Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization, Axial Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, and TPX3CAM |
A. Mathew et al. ACS Publications (2023) |
Neutron Science |
Novel imaging technique for thermal neutrons using a fast optical camera |
T. Gao et al. ScienceDirect (2023) |
Neutron Science |
Studies of Physical Processes in Scintillator Materials Using Event-Based Cameras |
MS Johnson et al. IEEE (2023) |
Neutron Science |
Bragg edge imaging characterization of multi-material laser powder-bed fusion specimens |
F Malamud, et al. J. Phys: Conf. Ser (2023) |
Neutron Science |
Time-of-flight polarization contrast neutron imaging for enhanced characterization of ferritic phase fractions in Fe-Mn-Si shape memory alloys |
Busi, Matteo, et al. J. Phys: Conf. Ser (2023) |
Time Projection Chamber |
ARIADNE+: Large Scale Demonstration of Fast Optical Readout for Dual-Phase LArTPCs at the CERN Neutrino Platform † |
A. Lowe et al. MDPI Physical Sciences Forum (2023) |
Fluorescence Lifetime Macro Imager for Biomedical Applications |
R.Sen et al. JoVE Journal (2023) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Observing the primary steps of ion solvation in helium droplets |
SH Albrechtsen, C Schouder, H Stapelfeldt et al. Nature (2023) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
An Orbitrap/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Photofragment Ion Imaging and High-Resolution Mass Analysis of Native Macromolecular Assemblies |
A Mathew, F Giskes, A Lekkas, JF Greisch, GB. Eijkel, IGM Anthony, K Fort, AJR Heck
JAMS (2023) |
Coulomb-correlated electron number states in a transmission electron microscope beam |
Haindl et al. Nature Physics (2023) |
Improving the temporal resolution of event-based electron detectors using neural network cluster analysis |
Schroeder et al. arXiv (2023) |
Attosecond electron microscopy of sub-cycle optical dynamics |
Nabben, D., Kuttruff, J., Stolz, L. et al. Nature (2023) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
X-ray induced Coulomb explosion imaging of transient excited-state structural rearrangements in CS2 |
Unwin, J., Allum, F., Britton, M. et al.
Nature Comm Phys (2023) |
Single-shot photoluminescence lifetime imaging for fast wide-field optical thermometry |
X Liu, A Skripka, Y Lai, C Jiang, J Liu et al. High-Speed (2023) |
Analysis of tumour oxygenation in model animals on a phosphorescence lifetime based macro-imager. |
Z. AV et al. Sci Rep (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Study of afterpulsing in optical image intensifiers |
R Mahon et al. arXiv (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Spectral characterization of a SPDC source with a fast broadband spectrometer |
B Farella et al. arXiv (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Experimental Work Towards an Individually-Addressed-Ion Penning Trap Quantum Simulator |
B McMahon et al. Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Full spatial characterization of entangled structured photons |
X Gao et al. arXiv (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Full spatial characterization of entangled structured photons |
X Gao et al. arXiv (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Stability of 3D Optical Topologies and Reconstruction of Strongly Correlated Bi-photon States |
SF Dehghan Manshadi et al. Uottawa (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Interferometric imaging of amplitude and phase of spatial biphoton states |
D Zia et al. Nature Photonics (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Intensity interferometry for holography with quantum and classical light |
G Thekkadath et al. Science (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Quantifying high-dimensional spatial entanglement with a single-photon-sensitive time-stamping camera |
B Courme et al. Optics Letters (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Efficient site-resolved imaging and spin-state detection in dynamic two-dimensional ion crystals |
RN Wolf et al. arXiv (2023) |
Quantum Science |
Micromotion-synchronized pulsed Doppler cooling of trapped ions |
A Kato et al. Physical Review A (2023) |
Time Projection Chamber |
ARIADNE+ Large Scale demonstration of fast optical readout |
A Lowe et al. MDPI Physical Sciences Forum (2023) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Tpx3Cam applications: 3D momentum reconstruction based on analytic time-walk correction and noise reduction |
X Hua et al. AIP Advances (2023) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Reaction pathways of water dimer following single ionization |
IS Vinklárek et al. arXiv (2023) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Multiparticle Cumulant Mapping for Coulomb Explosion Imaging |
C Cheng et al. Physical Review Letters (2023) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Helium droplets help to visualize the start of ion solvation |
SH Albrechtsen et al. Nature Research Briefing (2023) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Imaging Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecules and Surfaces |
GA Stewart et al. ProQuest (2023) |
3DED |
Atomic-level structural responsiveness to environmental conditions from 3D electron diffraction |
Y. Ling et al. Nature Communication (2022) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Strong Field Double Ionization of Formaldehyde Investigated Using Momentum Resolved Covariance Imaging and Trajectory Surface Hopping |
C. Cheng et al. Phys. Chem. A. (2022) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
A plano–convex thick-lens velocity map imaging apparatus for direct, high resolution 3D momentum measurements of photoelectrons with ion time-of-flight coincidence |
M. Davino et al. AIP Publishing (2022) |
Quantum Science |
Quantum correlation light-field microscope with extreme depth of field |
Y. Zhang et al. Arxiv. (2022) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Shot-by-shot 250 kHz 3D ion and MHz photo electron imaging using Timepix3 |
H. Bromberger et al. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2022) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Three-dimensional (3D) velocity map imaging: from technique to application |
G. Basnayake et al. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2022) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
3D velocity map imaging of electrons with TPX3CAM |
C. Cheng et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. (2022) |
Quantum Science |
Reconfigurable phase contrast microscopy with correlated photon pairs |
H. Hodgson et al. AIP Publishing (2022) |
Quantum Science |
High-speed imaging of spatiotemporal correlations in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference |
X Gao et al. Optica Publishing Group (2022) |
Quantum Science |
Observation of Nonclassical Photon Statistics in Single-Bubble Sonoluminescence |
M. Rezaee et al. Arvix (2022) |
Quantum Science |
Ray tracing with quantum correlated photons to image a three-dimensional scene |
Y. Zhang et al. Phys. Rev. A (2022) |
3DED |
Practice of electron microscopy on nanoparticles sensitive to radiation damage: CsPbBr₃ nanocrystals as a case study |
T. M. Duong et al. Frontiers (2022) |
Cathodoluminescence excitation spectroscopy: Nanoscale imaging of excitation pathways |
N. Varkentina et al. ScienceAdvances (2022) |
3DED |
High-Resolution Electron Diffraction of Protein Crystals in Their Liquid Environment at Room Temperature Using a Direct Electron Detection Camera |
S.Plana-Ruiz et al. Oxford Academic (2022) |
3DED |
Growing single crystals of two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks enabled by intermediate tracing study |
C. Kang et al. Nature Communications (2022) |
3DED |
Two New Organic Co-Crystals Based on Acetamidophenol Molecules |
I. Andrusenko et al. Symmetry (2022) |
Cavity-mediated electron-photon pairs |
A. Feist et al. Arvix (2022) |
3DED |
Gas sorption properties and kinetics of porous bismuth-based metal-organic frameworks and the selective CO₂ and SF₆ sorption on a new bismuth trimesate-based structure UU-200 |
M. Åhlén et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2022) |
3DED |
Organic Cocrystals of TCNQ and TCNB Based on an Orthocetamol Backbone Solved by Three-Dimensional Electron Diffraction |
J. Hitchen et al. Cryst. Growth Des. (2022) |
3DED |
Jingsuiite, TiB2, a new mineral from the Cr-11 podiform chromitite orebody, Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet, China: Implications for recycling of boron |
F. Xiong et al. American Mineralogist (2022) |
3DED |
SCM-25: A Zeolite with Ordered Meso-cavities Interconnected by 12 × 12 × 10-Ring Channels Determined by 3D Electron Diffraction |
Y. Luo et al. Inorg. Chem. (2022) |
3DED |
Metal-hydrogen-pi-bonded organic frameworks |
J. Zhu et al. Dalton Transactions (2022) |
Disorder Dynamics in Battery Nanoparticles During Phase Transitions Revealed by Operando Single-Particle Diffraction |
J. J. Huang et al. Advanced Energy Materials (2022) |
Position and electric field dependent local lattice strain detected by nanobeam x-ray diffraction on a relaxor ferroelectric single crystal |
S. Aoyagi et al. Phys. Rev. B (2022) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Fast Mass Microscopy: Mass Spectometry Imaging of a Gigapixel Image in 34 |
M. Davino et al. AIP Publishing (2022) |
Phosphorescence lifetime measurements with sensor materials: Comparison of the four different detection platforms |
R. Sen et al. ScienceDirect (2022) |
Timepix4 |
Timepix4, a large area pixel detector readout chip which can be tiled on 4 |
X. Llopart et al. Journal of Instrumentation (2022) |
3DED |
Unprecedented Multifunctionality in 1D Nb1-xTAxS3 Transition Metal |
Z. Hemmat et al. Wiley online Library (2022) |
3DED |
Structural Evolution in an Annealed (Eu, Tb)-Doped ZnO/Si Nanoscale |
C. Leroux et al. ACS Publications (2022) |
Quantum Science |
Quantum-Assisted Optical Interferometers: Instrument Requirements |
A. Nomerotski et al. Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VII (2022) |
Neutron Science |
Recent neutron focusing experiments using polycapillary lens in CSNS |
K Pan et al. arXiv (2022) |
Neutron Science |
Time-of-Flight resolved neutron imaging from thermal to fast neutron energies at n_TOF EAR2 |
M Bacak et al. CERN (2022) |
Neutron Science |
Application of energy resolved neutron imaging at n TOF EAR2 |
M Bacak et al. CERN (2022) |
Time Projection Chamber |
ND-GAr R&D |
J. Raaf et al. OSTI.GOV (2022) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
3D Velocity Map Imaging of Electrons |
Gönenç Moğol, Chuan Cheng, Thomas Weinacht, Andrei Nomerotski, and Carlos Trallero–Herrero |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Application of an Event-Based Camera for Real-Time Velocity Resolved Kinetics |
K Golibrzuch, S Schwabe, T Zhong, K Papendorf, AM Wodtke
JPhysChem (2022) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Stable excited dication: trapping on the S1 state of formaldehyde dication after strong field ionization |
V Singh, C Cheng, T Weinacht, S Matsika |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Trends in angle-resolved molecular photoelectron spectroscopy |
Danielle Dowek, Piero Decleva
PCCP (2022) |
Quantum Science |
Ray tracing with quantum correlated photons to image a three-dimensional scene |
Y Zhang et al. Physical Review A (2022) |
Quantum Science |
Trapping and cooling two-dimensional crystals of barium ions |
A Kato et al. ProQuest (2022) |
Quantum Science |
Two-tone Doppler cooling of radial two-dimensional crystals in a radio-frequency ion trap |
A Kato et al. Physical Review A (2022) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Ultrafast Coulomb explosion imaging of molecules and molecular clusters |
X Li et al. Chinese Physics (2022) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Laser-Induced Coulomb Explosion Imaging of Aligned Molecules and Molecular Dimers |
CA Schouder et al. Annual Review of physical chemistry (2022) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
A simple approach for characterizing the spatially varying sensitivity of microchannel plate detectors |
D Aglagul et al. Review of Scientific Instruments (2022) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Absolute Phase Resolved Strong Field Ionization Probed By 3d Momentum Imaging |
DA Debrah et al. Digital Commons (2022) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Laser-induced Coulomb explosion imaging of (C₆H₅Br)₂ and C₆H₅Br–I₂ dimers in helium nanodroplets using a Tpx3Cam |
C. Schouder et al. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2021) |
Quantum Science |
Two-tone Doppler cooling of radial two-dimensional crystals in a radio frequency ion trap |
A. Kato et al. Arvix (2021) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Multi-Particle Three-Dimensional Covariance Imaging: “Coincidence” Insights into the Many-Body Fragmentation of Strong-Field Ionized D₂O |
F. Allum et al. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2021) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Strong Field Ionization of Water II: Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics En Route to Double Ionization |
C. Cheng et al. Phys. Rev. A (2021) |
Quantum Science |
High-Fidelity Simultaneous Detection of Trapped Ion Qubit Register |
L. A. Zhukas et al. Physical Review A (2021) |
Quantum Science |
Direct observation of ion micromotion in a linear Paul trap |
L. A. Zhukas et al. Physical Review A (2021) |
Quantum Science |
High speed imaging of spectral-temporal correlations in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference |
Y. Zhang et al. Opt. Express (2021) |
Observation of dynamic 3D motion of nanoparticles combined with 4D- STEM orientation and phase map in Liquid-Cell STEM microscopy |
A. Gomez-Perez et al. Oxford Academic (2021) |
Identification of Néel Vector Orientation in Antiferromagnetic Domains Switched by Currents in Ni O/ Ptn Thin Films |
C. Schmitt et al. Phys. Rev. Applied (2021) |
Integrated photonics enables continuous-beam electron phase modulation |
J. W. Henke et al. Nature (2021) |
3DED |
Inkjet Printed Disposable High-Rate On-Paper Microsupercapacitors |
Z. Li et al. Adv. Funct. Mater. (2021) |
3DED |
A Comparison of Structure Determination of Small Organic Molecules by 3D Electron Diffraction at Cryogenic and Room Temperature |
T. Yang et al. Symmetry (2021) |
3DED |
Crystal Structure of Linagliptin Hemihydrate Hemiethanolate (C₂₅H₂₈N₈O₂)₂(H₂O)(C₂H₅OH) from 3D Electron Diffraction Data, Rietveld Refinement, and Density Functional Theory Optimization |
P. P. Das et al. Cryst. Growth Des. (2021) |
3D Electron Diffraction Structure Determination of Terrylene, a Promising Candidate for Intermolecular Singlet Fission |
C. L. Hall et al. ChemPhysChem. (2021) |
3DED |
Structure determination, thermal stability and dissolution rate of δ-indomethacin |
I. Andrusenko et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. (2021) |
Event-based hyperspectral EELS: towards nanosecond temporal resolution |
Y. Auad et al. Arvix (2021) |
3DED |
Structural analysis of metastable pharmaceutical loratadine form II, by 3D electron diffraction and DFT+D energy minimisation |
G. R. Woollam et al. CrystEngComm. (2021) |
3DED |
MyD88 TIR domain higher-order assembly interactions revealed by microcrystal electron diffraction and serial femtosecond crystallography |
M. T. B. Clabbers et al. Nature Communications (2021) |
3DED |
Statistically correcting dynamical electron scattering improves the refinement of protein nanocrystals, including charge refinement of coordinated metals |
T. Blum et al. Acta Crystallographica D (2021) |
3DED |
Manipulation of Stacking Order in Td-WTe ₂ by Ultrafast Optical Excitation |
S. Ji, O. Grånäs, and J. Weissenrieder. ACS Nano. (2021) |
3DED |
High-Throughput Electron Diffraction Reveals a Hidden Novel Metal–Organic Framework for Electrocatalysis |
M. Ge et al. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2021) |
3DED |
Structural origin of the high-voltage instability of lithium cobalt oxide |
J. Li et al. Nature Nanotechnology (2021) |
3DED |
A simple pressure-assisted method for MicroED specimen preparation |
J. Zhao et al. bioRxiv (2021) |
Femtosecond laser driven precessing magnetic gratings |
G. Cao et al. Nanoscale (2021) |
Time-Resolved Nanobeam X-ray Diffraction of a Relaxor Ferroelectric Single Crystal under an Alternating Electric Field |
S. Aoyagi et al. Crystals (2021) |
Rational design of mechanically robust Ni-rich cathode materials via concentration gradient strategy |
T. Liu et al. Nature Communications (2021) |
Removal of spurious data in Bragg coherent diffraction imaging: an algorithm for automated data preprocessing |
K. Pelzer et al. J. Appl. Cryst. (2021) |
High-Throughput 3D Ensemble Characterization of Individual Core–Shell Nanoparticles with X-ray Free Electron Laser Single-Particle Imaging |
D. H. Cho et al. ACS Nano (2021) |
Laue microdiffraction evaluation of bending stress in Au wiring formed on chip-embedded flexible hybrid electronics |
M. Murugesan et al. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. (2021) |
In situ microbeam surface X-ray scattering reveals alternating step kinetics during crystal growth |
G. Ju et al. Nature Communications (2021) |
Real-time sparse-sampled Ptychographic imaging through deep neural networks |
M. Mariappan et al. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (2021) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Ion imaging of native protein complexes using orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry and a Timepix detector |
A. Mathew et al. ACS Publications (2021) |
Neutron Science |
A novel energy resolved neutron imaging detector based on a time stamping |
J. Yang et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (2021) |
Miscellaneous |
Novel imaging technique for α-particles using a fast optical camera |
G. D’amen et al. Journal of Instrumentaiton (2021) |
Neutron Science |
New perspectives for neutron imaging through advanced event-mode data acquisition |
AS Losko et al. Scientific Reports (2021) |
Neutron Science |
Event-Mode Neutron Imaging Using the TPX3Cam-Breaking the Boundaries of Conventional Neutron Imaging Techniques |
AS Losko et al. Research Square (2021) |
Time Projection Chamber |
Developing a Silicon Pixel Detector for the Next Generation LHCb Experiment |
P. Švihra. ProQuest (2021) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Femtosecond molecular dynamics viewed by multi-model imaging |
Yusong Liu, et al.
Proc. SPIE (2021) |
Free-electron qubits and maximum-contrast attosecond pulses via temporal Talbot revivals |
Tsarev et al. Phys. Rev. Research (2021) |
Quantum Science |
Fast imaging of single photons in quantum assisted optical interferometers |
A Nomerotski et al arXiv (2021) |
Quantum Science |
Time-stamping and counting of single photons using fast camera |
A Nomerotski et al. IEEE Xplore (2021) |
Quantum Science |
Quantum-Assisted Optical Interferometry |
A Parsells, J Schiff et al. Quantastro (2021) |
Quantum Science |
Novel Methods in Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing: Single-Photon-Sensitive Time-Resolving Camera, Sympathetic Cooling, and Qutrit |
L Zhukas et al. ProQuest (2021) |
Quantum Science |
Direct observation of ion micromotion in a linear Paul trap |
LA Zhukas et al. Physical Review A (2021) |
Time Projection Chamber |
Development of a Fast Optical Readout Using Timepix Technology for Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Detectors with the ARIADNE Experiment |
J Vann et al. ProQuest (2021) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Ultrafast 3d imaging technique employing event-driven cameras |
W Li et al. US Patent App. 17/667,148 (2021) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Single-shot MHz velocity-map-imaging using two Timepix3 cameras |
H Bromberger et al, arXiv (2021) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Molecular-frame measurements of light-induced processes using rotational coherences driven by ultrafast laser pulses |
HVS Lam et al. ProQuest (2021) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Determining the stereo configuration of carbonyl sulfide dimers using Coulomb-explosion imaging |
X Yu et al. Physical Review A (2021) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Angle-dependent strong-field ionization and fragmentation of carbon dioxide measured using rotational wave packets |
H. Lam et al. Physical Review A (2020) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Momentum-resolved above-threshold ionization of deuterated water |
C. Cheng et al. Physical Review A (2020) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Excited-state dynamics of CH₂ I₂ and CH₂ IBr studied with UVpump VUV-probe momentum-resolved photoion spectroscopy |
Y. Liu et al. The Journal of Chemical Physics (2020) |
Mapping O₂ concentration in ex-vivo tissue samples on a fast PLIM macro-imager |
R. Sen et al. Scientific Reports (2020) |
Quantum Science |
Multivariate discrimination in quantum target detection |
P. Svihra et al. Applied Physics Letters (2020) |
Quantum Science |
Fast camera spatial characterization of photonic polarization entanglement |
C. Ianzano et al. Scientific Reports (2020) |
Characterization of planar phosphorescence based oxygen sensors on a TCSPC-PLIM macro-imager |
R. Sen et al. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2020) |
A new macro-imager based on Tpx3Cam optical camera for PLIM applications |
R. Sen et al. SPIE (2020) |
Quantum Science |
Counting of Hong-Ou-Mandel Bunched Optical Photons Using a Fast Pixel Camera |
A. Nomerotski et al. Sensors (2020) |
Quantum Science |
Multidimensional quantum-enhanced target detection via spectrotemporal-correlation measurements |
Y. Zhang et al. Physical Review A (2020) |
An insulating doped antiferromagnet with low magnetic symmetry as a room temperature spin conduit |
A. Ross et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. (2020) |
3DED |
A Porphyrinic Zirconium Metal–Organic Framework for Oxygen Reduction Reaction: Tailoring the Spacing between Active-Sites through Chain-Based Inorganic Building Units |
M. O. Cichoka et al. ACS Publications (2020) |
3DED |
Atomically precise single-crystal structures of electrically conducting 2D metal–organic frameworks |
J. Dou et al. Nature Materials (2020) |
3DED |
Modulated structure determination and ion transport mechanism of oxide-ion conductor CeNbO ₄₊δ |
J. Li et al. Nature Communications (2020) |
3DED |
Liquid-like Interfaces Mediate Structural Phase Transitions in Lead Halide Perovskites |
C. Bischak et al. Matter (2020) |
3DED |
A lipocalin mediates unidirectional heme biomineralization in malaria parasites |
J. Matz et al. PNAS (2020) |
3DED |
Sub-pixel electron detection using a convolutional neural network |
J. P. van Schayck et al. Ultramicroscopy (2020) |
3DED |
Visualizing drug binding interactions using microcrystal electron diffraction |
M. T. B. Clabbers et al. Nature Communications Biology (2020) |
3DED |
Introducing the crystalline phase of dicalcium phosphate monohydrate |
B. Lu et al. Nature communications (2020) |
3DED |
Nanocrystals of Lead Chalcohalides: A Series of Kinetically Trapped Metastable Nanostructures |
S. Toso et al. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2020) |
3DED |
Can 3D electron diffraction provide accurate atomic structures of metal organic frameworks? |
Z. Hang et al. Faraday Discussions (2020) |
Revealing the Structural Evolution and Phase Transformation of O3-Type NaNi₁/₃Fe₁/₃Mn₁/₃O₂ Cathode Material on Sintering and Cycling Processes |
Y. Xie et al. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. (2020) |
Mirror to measure small angle x-ray scattering signal in high energy density experiments |
M. Šmíd et al. Review of Scientific Instruments (2020) |
Combining Laue diffraction with Bragg coherent diffraction imaging at 34-ID-C |
A. Pateras et al. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (2020) |
Real-time sparse-sampled Ptychographic imaging through deep neural networks |
M. J. Cherukara et al. Arxiv (2020) |
Nanoscale imaging of the full strain tensor of specific dislocations extracted from a bulk sample |
F. Hofmann et al. Physical Review Materials (2020) |
Time Projection Chamber |
Optical Readout of the ARIADNE LArTPC using a Timepix3-based Camera |
A. Lowe et al. Instruments (2020) |
3DED |
The application of electron backscatter diffraction on halide perovskite |
H. Sun et al. Advanced energy Materials (2020) |
Time Projection Chamber |
ARIADNE Design, Construction and Operation of a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber with Novel Optical Readout |
A. Roberts. ProQuest (2020) |
Attosecond metrology in a continuous-beam transmission electron microscope |
Ryabov et al. Science (2020) |
Quantum Science |
Spatial and temporal characterization of polarization entanglement |
A Nomerotski et al Journal of Quantum (2020) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Molecular sunscreen: water protects pyrrole from radiation damage |
M Johny et al. arXiv (2020) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Electron correlation in channel-resolved strong-field molecular double ionization |
C. Cheng et al. Physical Review A (2019) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Developing a camera-based 3D momentum imaging system capable of 1 Mhits/s |
D. Debrah et al. Review of Scientific Instruments (2019) |
New luminescence lifetime macro-imager based on a Tpx3Cam optical camera |
R. Sen et al. Biomed Opt Express (2019) |
Quantum Science |
Imaging and time stamping of photons with nanosecond resolution in Timepix based optical cameras |
A. Nomerotski. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (2019) |
Early-stage dynamics of metallic droplets embedded in the nanotextured Mott insulating phase of V₂O₃ |
A. Ronchi et al. Phys. Rev. B (2019) |
3DED |
3D electron diffraction techniques |
M. Gemmi and A.E. Lanza. Acta Crystallographica B (2019) |
3DED |
Crystal Orientation and Grain Size: Do They Determine Optoelectronic Properties of MAPbI₃ Perovskite? |
L. Muscarella et al. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2019) |
3DED |
A metal-organic framework for efficient water-based ultra-low-temperature-driven cooling |
D. Lenzen et al. Nature Communications (2019) |
3DED |
Daliranite, PbHgAs₂S₅: determination of the incommensurately modulated structure and revision of the chemical formula |
A.E. Lanza et al. Acta Crystallographica B (2019) |
3DED |
Evidence for Subsolidus Quartz-Coesite transformation in impact ejecta from the Australasian Tektie strewn field |
F. Campanale et al. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2019) |
3DED |
Automated serial rotation electron diffraction combines with cluster analysis: An efficient multi-crystal workflow for structure determination |
B. Wang et al. IUCrJ (2019) |
3DED |
The Crystal Structure of Orthocetamol Solved by 3D Electron Diffraction |
I. Andrusenko et al., Angewandte Chemie (2019) |
3DED |
3D electron diffraction unravels the new Zeolite ECNU‐23 from the “Pure” powder sample of ECNU‐21 |
X. Liu et al. Angewandte Chemie (2019) |
Current status of nanobeam x-ray diffraction station at SPring-8 |
Y. Imai et al. AIP Conference Proceedings (2019) |
Coherent X-ray spectroscopy reveals the persistence of island arrangements during layer-by-layer growth |
G. Ju et al. Nature Physics (2019) |
High-energy coherent X-ray diffraction microscopy of polycrystal grains |
S. Maddali et al. Arxiv (2019) |
Quantum Science |
Multidimensional quantum illumination via direct measurement of spectro-temporal correlations |
Y. Zhang et al. arXiv (2019) |
Time Projection Chamber |
ARIADNE: A novel photographic 1-ton dual-phase LArTPC |
K Mavrokoridis et al. Proceedings of (2019) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
PymePix: A python library for SPIDR readout of Timepix3 |
AF Al-Refaieb et al. Journal of Instrumentation (2019) |
3DED |
High-throughput continuous rotation electron diffraction data acquisition via software automation |
M. O. Cichocka et al. Journal of Applied Crystallography (2018) |
3DED |
Reducing dynamical electron scattering reveals hydrogen atoms |
M. T. B. Clabbers et al. Acta Crystallographica Section A (2018) |
3DED |
Ab Initio Structure Determination of Cu₂₋ₓTe Plasmonic Nanocrystals by Precession-Assisted Electron Diffraction Tomography and HAADF-STEM Imaging |
E. Mugnaioli et al. Inorganic Chemistry (2018) |
3DED |
Characterization at the level of individual crystals: single crystal MFI type Zeolite grains. |
T. Gruene et al. Chemistry (2018) |
3DED |
Ab initio structure determination of nanocrystals of organic pharmaceutical com-pounds by electron diffraction at room temperature using a Timepix quantum area direct electron detector. |
E. van Genderen et al. Acta Crystallographica A (2018) |
3DED |
Crystal Structures of Two Important Pharmaceuticals Solved by 3D Precession Electron Diffraction Tomography |
P. P. Das et al. Organic Process Research Development (2018) |
Active site localization of methane oxidation on Pt nanocrystals |
D. Kim et al. Nature Communications (2018) |
Anisotropic nano-scale resolution in 3D Bragg coherent diffraction imaging |
M. J. Cherukara et al. Applied Physics Letters (2018) |
Time Projection Chamber |
First demonstration of 3D optical readout of a TPC using a single photon |
A. Roberts et al. Journal of Instrumentation (2018) |
Quantum Science |
Spatial characterization of photonic polarization entanglement using a Tpx3Cam intensified fast-camera |
C Ianzano et al. arXiv (2018) |
Tilted Electron Pulses |
Ehberg et al. PRL (2018) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Quadruple coincidence measurement of electron correlation in strong-field molecular double ionization |
A Zhao et al. Physical Review A (2018) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Coincidence velocity map imaging using Tpx3Cam, a time stamping optical camera with 1.5ns timing resolution |
A. Zhao et al. Review of Scientific Instruments (2017) |
[Ti₈Zr₂O₁₂(COO)₁₆] Cluster: An Ideal Inorganic Building Unit for Photoactive Metal–Organic Frameworks |
S. Yuan et al. ACS Central Science (2017) |
3DED |
Protein structure determination by electron diffraction using a single three-dimensional nanocrystal |
M. T. B. Clabbers et al. Acta Crystallographica D (2017) |
3DED |
Elucidation of the elusive structure and formula of the active pharmaceutical ingredient bismuth subgallate by continuous rotation electron diffraction |
Y. Wang et al. Chemical Communications (2017) |
3DED |
Crystal Phases in Hybrid Metal–Semiconductor Nanowire Devices |
J. David et al. Nano Letters (2017) |
Ultrafast Three-Dimensional Integrated Imaging of Strain in Core/Shell Semiconductor/Metal Nanostructures |
M. J. Cherukara et al. ACS Nano Letters (2017) |
Ultrafast three-dimensional X-ray Imaging of deformation modes in ZnO nanocrystals |
M. J. Cherukara et al. ACS Nano Letters (2017) |
Quantum Science |
Characterization of TimepixCam, a fast imager for the time-stamping of optical photons |
A. Nomerotski et al. Journal of Instrumentation (2017) |
Dosimetry |
Deriving spatially resolved beta dose rates in sediment using the Timepix |
A. A. Romanyukha et al. Radiation Measurements (2017) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Ionic Dynamics in Molecular Strong Field Ionization |
AX Zhao et al. ProQuest (2017) |
Dosimetry |
Development of a transmission alpha particle dosimetry technique using A549 |
R Al Darwish et al. Med Phys. (2016) |
Quantum Science |
TimepixCam: a fast optical imager with time-stamping |
M. Fisher-Levine and A. Nomerotski. Journal of Instrumentation (2016) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Time-Resolved imaging of the MALDI Linear-TOF Ion Cloud: Direct visualization and exploitation of ion optical phenomena using a position- and time-sensitive detector |
S. R. Ellis et al. Journ. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrometry (2014) |
3DED |
A Medipix quantum area detector allows rotation electron diffraction data collection from submicrometre three-dimensional protein crystals |
I. Nederlof et al. Acta Crystallographica D (2013) |
Nanoscale Hard X-Ray Microscopy Methods for Materials Studies* |
M. Holt et al. Annual Review of Materials Research (2013) |
11 nm hard X-ray focus from a large-aperture multilayer Laue lens |
X. Huang et al. Nature Scientific Reports (2013) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Enhanced detection of high-mass proteins by using an active pixel detector |
S. R. Ellis et al. Angewandte Chemie (2013) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Cluster secondary ion mass spectrometry microscope mode mass spectrometry imaging |
A. Kiss et al. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (2013) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Detection systems for mass spectrometry imaging: A perspective on novel developments with a focus on active pixel detectors |
J. H. Jungmann et al. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (2013) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
Biological tissue imaging with a position and time sensitive pixelated detector |
J. H. Jungmann et al. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrometry (2012) |
VMI & Mass Spectrometry |
High dynamic range bio-molecular ion microscopy with the Timepix detector |
J. H. Jungmann et al. Analytical Chemistry (2011) |
3DED |
Heterogeneity of nano-sized zeolite crystals |
J.T.C. Wennmacher et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials |
3DED |
Crystalline Curcumin bioMOF Obtained by Precipitation in Supercritical CO₂ and Structural Determination by Electron Diffraction Tomography |
N. Portolés-Gil et al. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering |
3DED |
Superconductivity in Perovskite Ba₀.₈₅₋ₓLaₓPr₀.₁₅(Bi₀.₂₀Pb₀.₈₀)O₃−δ |
A. Firdous et al. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism |
Methods for operando coherent X-ray diffraction of battery materials at the Advaned Photon Source |
L. Li et al. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (201) |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
An ambient detection system for visualization of charged particles generated with ionization methods at atmospheric pressure |
B. Hommersom et al. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
A micro-pixelated ion imaging detector for mass resolution enhancement of a QMS instrument |
S. U. A. H. Syed et al. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Experimental investigation of the 2D ion beam profile generated by an ESI Octopole-QMS system |
S. U. A. H. Syed et al. Journal of The American Society for Mass |
VMI And Mass Spectrometry |
Deriving spatially resolved beta dose rates in sediment using the Timepix pixelated detector |
J. H. Jungmann et al. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry |
Software |
Full package for 3DED data acquisition developed in Stockholm |
Instamatic |
Software |
Alternative data processing for VMI for TPX3CAM |
PymePix |
Software |
Driver for all SPIDR3-based Timepix-3 detectors |
EPICS driver from PSI |
Software |
Erik Maddox converter |
tpx3-to-root |
Software |
Erik Maddox calculation script for MTF |
Software |
Quantum Visualization Software (Ottawa) |
PixGUI |
Software |
Imaging mass spectrometry code by Ian Anthony |
M4I FastMass |
Software |
Peter Svihra's repository |
TimePix3 |
Software |
Yves Auads tools for U-EELS |
TimeSTEM |
Software |
ORNL code for SPDR3/TPX3 HDK |
Sophiread |
Software |
Lukas Palatinus software for cRED/3DED |
Software |
StonyBrook software for VMI data analysis with TDC code |
Timepix |
Software |
StonyBrook VMI centtroiding algorithm |
Timepix_centroided |
Software |
Losless compression algorithm for TEM data, by Senik |