Category Publication Author Link
Quantum Science Fast quantum ghost imaging with a single-photon-sensitive time-stamping camera Alex Mavian, Yang Xu, Cheng Li, Robert Boyd, Optica Publishing (2025)
U-EELS Nanosecond Nanothermometry in an Electron Microscope Florian Castioni et al. ACS Publications (2025)
Quantum Science Biphoton state reconstruction via phase retrieval methods N.Dehghan et al. Optica Publishing (2024)
Neutron Science Scintillator-based Timepix3 detector for neutron spin-echo techniques using intensity modulation Funama, Fumiaki, et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum (2024)
Neutron Science Spin-Energy Entanglement of a Time-Focused Neutron J. C. Leiner, et al. arXiv (2024)
Neutron Science Demonstration of neutron time‐of‐flight diffraction with an event‐mode imaging detector Jaeger, Losko, Wolfertz et al. J.Applied.Cryst (2024)
Neutron Science Conceptual design of a macromolecular diffractometer for the Jülich high brilliance source Lieutenant et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum (2024)
Quantum Science Engineering quantum states from a spatially structured quantum eraser. Carlo Schiano et al. Sci. Adv (2024)
Quantum Science Background resilient quantitative phase microscopy using entangled photons Yingwen Zhang et al. arXiv (2024)
Quantum Science Quantum light-field microscopy for volumetric imaging with extreme depth of field Yingwen Zhang et al. Phys. Rev. Applied (2024)
Quantum Science Individual-Ion Addressing and Readout in a Penning Trap Brian J. McMahon, et al. arXiv (2024)
Neutron Science Energy-Resolved Fast-Neutron Radiography Using an Event-Mode Neutron Imaging Detector Wolferz, Losko et al. Preprint (2024)
Neutron Science LumaCam: A Novel Class of Position-Sensitive Event Mode Particle Detectors using Scintillator Screens Wolferz, Losko et al. Preprint (2024)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Improvements in Fast Mass Microscopy for Large-Area Samples Edith Sandström,Pascal Huysmans, Frans Giskes, Paul Laeven, Sebastiaan Van Nuffel, Ron M. A. Heeren, Ian G. M. Anthony Anal.Chem (2024)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Processing Next-Generation Mass Spectrometry Imaging Data: Principal Component Analysis at Scale Kasper Krijnen, Paul Blenkinsopp, Ron M. A. Heeren, Ian G. M. Anthony JAMS (2024)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry A versatile and transportable endstation for controlled molecule experiments Wuwei Jin, Hubertus Bromberger, Lanhai He, Melby Johny, Ivo S. Vinklárek, Karol Długołęcki, Andrey Samartsev, Francesca Calegari, Sebastian Trippel, Jochen Küpper arXiv (2024)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Laser-induced Coulomb explosion of heteronuclear alkali-metal dimers on helium nanodroplets Simon H. Albrechtsen, Jeppe K. Christensen, Rico Mayro P. Tanyag, Henrik H. Kristensen, and Henrik Stapelfeldt Phys Rev A (2024)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Quantum contributions to Coulomb-explosion imaging revealed by trajectory-surface-hopping molecular dynamics Vaibhav Singh, Chuan Cheng, Thomas Weinacht, and Spiridoula Matsika Phys Rev A (2024)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Spatial and Temporal Detection of Ions Ejected from Coulomb Crystals JA Diprose, V Richardson, P Regan, A Roberts, S Burdin, A Tsikritea, K Mavrokoridis, BR. Heazlewood JPhysChem (2024)
UEM Attosecond electron microscopy by free-electron homodyne detection Gaida et al. Nature Photonics (2024)
UEM Direct Observation of Sub-Poissonian Temporal Statistics in a Continuous Free-Electron Beam with Subpicosecond Resolution S. Borrelli, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. (2024)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Mutual Neutralization of NO+ with O− M Poline, A Dochain, S Rosén, MC Ji, P Reinhed, A Simonsson, M Larsson, HT Schmidt, H Zettergren, RD Thomas, SG Ard, NS Shuman, AA Viggiano PRL (2024)
UEM Lorentz microscopy of optical fields Gaida, J.H., Lourenço-Martins, H., Yalunin, S.V. et al. Nat Commun (2024)
UEM Real-time electron clustering in an event-driven hybrid pixel detector J. Kuttruff, J. Holder, Y. Meng, P. Baum et al. Ultramicroscopy (2024)
UEM Terahertz control and timing correlations in a transmission electron microscope Joel Kuttruff et al. Sci. Adv (2024)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry State-resolved mutual neutralization of 16 O+ with 1 H− and 2 H− at collision energies below 100 meV AF Schmidt-May, PS Barklem, J Grumer, AM Amarsi, M Björkhage, M Blom, A Dochain, MC Ji, P Martini, P Reinhed, S Rosén, A Simonsson, H Zettergren, H Cederquist, HT. Schmidt
UEM Structured electrons with chiral mass and charge Yiqi Fang et al. Science (2024)
UEM Electron Imaging of Nanoscale Charge Distributions Induced by Femtosecond Light Pulses Weber, Jonathan T., Schäfer, Sascha et al. ACS Publications (2024)
UEM Femtosecond trimer quench in the unconventional charge-density-wave material Domr\"ose, Till and Ropers, Claus et al. Phys. Rev. B (2024)
UEM Electrons herald non-classical light Germaine Arend et al. arXiv (2024)
UEM Megahertz cycling of ultrafast structural dynamics enabled by nanosecond thermal dissipation Till Domröse and Leonardo da Camara Silva and Claus Ropers et al. arXiv (2024)
UEM Laser-driven cold-field emission source for ultrafast transmission electron microscopy A. Schröder et al. arXiv (2024)
3DED Incommensurate Modulations and Perovskite Growth in LaxSr2−xMnO4−δ Affecting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Conductivity Vandermeulenbroucke et al. ACS Chemistry of Materials (2024)
3DED In Situ Study of the Activation Process of MOF-74 Using Three-Dimensional Electron Diffraction Quintellier, Haderman et al. ACS (2024)
Neutron Science A High-frequency, Low-power Resonant Radio-frequency Neutron Spin Flipper for High-resolution Spectroscopy S. McKay et al. arXiv (2024)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Update on MAC End-Station at ELI Beamlines Facility Klimešová, E., et al. Acta Phys. Pol. A (2024)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Timepix3: single-pixel multi-hit energy-measurement behavior Hubertus Bromberger et al. arXiv (2024)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry The mutual neutralization of hydronium and hydroxide Bogot, Zettergren, Schmidt et al. Science (2024)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Spatial and Temporal Detection of Ions Ejected from Coulomb Crystals Jake A. Diprose et al. ACS Publications (2024)
Quantum Science Intensified Tpx3Cam, a fast data-driven optical camera with nanosecond timing resolution for single photon detection in quantum applications A. Nomerotski et al. IOP Science (2023)
Quantum Science Characterisation of a single photon event camera for quantum imaging V. Vidyapin et al. Nature (2023)
Quantum Science Snapshot hyperspectral imaging with quantum correlated photons Y.Zhang et al. Optica (2023)
3DED Integration of an Event-driven Timepix3 Hybrid Pixel Detector into a Cryo-EM Workflow J. Paul van Schayck et al. Oxford Academic (2023)
3DED True mol­ecular conformation and structure determination by three-dimensional electron diffraction of PAH by-products potentially useful for electronic applications I. Andrusenko et al. IUCrj (2023)
3DED High-throughput phase elucidation of polycrystalline materials using serial rotation electron diffraction Y. Luo et al. Nature communications (2023)
3DED Direct structure determination of vemurafenib polymorphism from compact spherulites using 3D electron diffraction S. Li et al. Nature Communications (2023)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Time-Resolved Imaging of High Mass Proteins and Metastable Fragments Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization, Axial Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, and TPX3CAM A. Mathew et al. ACS Publications (2023)
Neutron Science Novel imaging technique for thermal neutrons using a fast optical camera T. Gao et al. ScienceDirect (2023)
Neutron Science Studies of Physical Processes in Scintillator Materials Using Event-Based Cameras MS Johnson et al. IEEE (2023)
Neutron Science Bragg edge imaging characterization of multi-material laser powder-bed fusion specimens F Malamud, et al. J. Phys: Conf. Ser (2023)
Neutron Science Time-of-flight polarization contrast neutron imaging for enhanced characterization of ferritic phase fractions in Fe-Mn-Si shape memory alloys Busi, Matteo, et al. J. Phys: Conf. Ser (2023)
Time Projection Chamber ARIADNE+: Large Scale Demonstration of Fast Optical Readout for Dual-Phase LArTPCs at the CERN Neutrino Platform † A. Lowe et al. MDPI Physical Sciences Forum (2023)
FLIM/PLIM Fluorescence Lifetime Macro Imager for Biomedical Applications R.Sen et al. JoVE Journal (2023)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Observing the primary steps of ion solvation in helium droplets SH Albrechtsen, C Schouder, H Stapelfeldt et al. Nature (2023)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry An Orbitrap/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Photofragment Ion Imaging and High-Resolution Mass Analysis of Native Macromolecular Assemblies A Mathew, F Giskes, A Lekkas, JF Greisch, GB. Eijkel, IGM Anthony, K Fort, AJR Heck JAMS (2023)
UEM Coulomb-correlated electron number states in a transmission electron microscope beam Haindl et al. Nature Physics (2023)
UEM Improving the temporal resolution of event-based electron detectors using neural network cluster analysis Schroeder et al. arXiv (2023)
UEM Attosecond electron microscopy of sub-cycle optical dynamics Nabben, D., Kuttruff, J., Stolz, L. et al. Nature (2023)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry X-ray induced Coulomb explosion imaging of transient excited-state structural rearrangements in CS2 Unwin, J., Allum, F., Britton, M. et al. Nature Comm Phys (2023)
FLIM/PLIM Single-shot photoluminescence lifetime imaging for fast wide-field optical thermometry X Liu, A Skripka, Y Lai, C Jiang, J Liu et al. High-Speed (2023)
FLIM/PLIM Analysis of tumour oxygenation in model animals on a phosphorescence lifetime based macro-imager. Z. AV et al. Sci Rep (2023)
Quantum Science Study of afterpulsing in optical image intensifiers R Mahon et al. arXiv (2023)
Quantum Science Spectral characterization of a SPDC source with a fast broadband spectrometer B Farella et al. arXiv (2023)
Quantum Science Experimental Work Towards an Individually-Addressed-Ion Penning Trap Quantum Simulator B McMahon et al. Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2023)
Quantum Science Full spatial characterization of entangled structured photons X Gao et al. arXiv (2023)
Quantum Science Full spatial characterization of entangled structured photons X Gao et al. arXiv (2023)
Quantum Science Stability of 3D Optical Topologies and Reconstruction of Strongly Correlated Bi-photon States SF Dehghan Manshadi et al. Uottawa (2023)
Quantum Science Interferometric imaging of amplitude and phase of spatial biphoton states D Zia et al. Nature Photonics (2023)
Quantum Science Intensity interferometry for holography with quantum and classical light G Thekkadath et al. Science (2023)
Quantum Science Quantifying high-dimensional spatial entanglement with a single-photon-sensitive time-stamping camera B Courme et al. Optics Letters (2023)
Quantum Science Efficient site-resolved imaging and spin-state detection in dynamic two-dimensional ion crystals RN Wolf et al. arXiv (2023)
Quantum Science Micromotion-synchronized pulsed Doppler cooling of trapped ions A Kato et al. Physical Review A (2023)
Time Projection Chamber ARIADNE+ Large Scale demonstration of fast optical readout A Lowe et al. MDPI Physical Sciences Forum (2023)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Tpx3Cam applications: 3D momentum reconstruction based on analytic time-walk correction and noise reduction X Hua et al. AIP Advances (2023)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Reaction pathways of water dimer following single ionization IS Vinklárek et al. arXiv (2023)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Multiparticle Cumulant Mapping for Coulomb Explosion Imaging C Cheng et al. Physical Review Letters (2023)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Helium droplets help to visualize the start of ion solvation SH Albrechtsen et al. Nature Research Briefing (2023)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Imaging Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecules and Surfaces GA Stewart et al. ProQuest (2023)
3DED Atomic-level structural responsiveness to environmental conditions from 3D electron diffraction Y. Ling et al. Nature Communication (2022)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Strong Field Double Ionization of Formaldehyde Investigated Using Momentum Resolved Covariance Imaging and Trajectory Surface Hopping C. Cheng et al. Phys. Chem. A. (2022)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry A plano–convex thick-lens velocity map imaging apparatus for direct, high resolution 3D momentum measurements of photoelectrons with ion time-of-flight coincidence M. Davino et al. AIP Publishing (2022)
Quantum Science Quantum correlation light-field microscope with extreme depth of field Y. Zhang et al. Arxiv. (2022)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Shot-by-shot 250 kHz 3D ion and MHz photo electron imaging using Timepix3 H. Bromberger et al. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2022)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Three-dimensional (3D) velocity map imaging: from technique to application G. Basnayake et al. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2022)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry 3D velocity map imaging of electrons with TPX3CAM C. Cheng et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. (2022)
Quantum Science Reconfigurable phase contrast microscopy with correlated photon pairs H. Hodgson et al. AIP Publishing (2022)
Quantum Science High-speed imaging of spatiotemporal correlations in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference X Gao et al. Optica Publishing Group (2022)
Quantum Science Observation of Nonclassical Photon Statistics in Single-Bubble Sonoluminescence M. Rezaee et al. Arvix (2022)
Quantum Science Ray tracing with quantum correlated photons to image a three-dimensional scene Y. Zhang et al. Phys. Rev. A (2022)
3DED Practice of electron microscopy on nanoparticles sensitive to radiation damage: CsPbBr₃ nanocrystals as a case study T. M. Duong et al. Frontiers (2022)
U-EELS Cathodoluminescence excitation spectroscopy: Nanoscale imaging of excitation pathways N. Varkentina et al. ScienceAdvances (2022)
3DED High-Resolution Electron Diffraction of Protein Crystals in Their Liquid Environment at Room Temperature Using a Direct Electron Detection Camera S.Plana-Ruiz et al. Oxford Academic (2022)
3DED Growing single crystals of two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks enabled by intermediate tracing study C. Kang et al. Nature Communications (2022)
3DED Two New Organic Co-Crystals Based on Acetamidophenol Molecules I. Andrusenko et al. Symmetry (2022)
UEM Cavity-mediated electron-photon pairs A. Feist et al. Arvix (2022)
3DED Gas sorption properties and kinetics of porous bismuth-based metal-organic frameworks and the selective CO₂ and SF₆ sorption on a new bismuth trimesate-based structure UU-200 M. Åhlén et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2022)
3DED Organic Cocrystals of TCNQ and TCNB Based on an Orthocetamol Backbone Solved by Three-Dimensional Electron Diffraction J. Hitchen et al. Cryst. Growth Des. (2022)
3DED Jingsuiite, TiB2, a new mineral from the Cr-11 podiform chromitite orebody, Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet, China: Implications for recycling of boron F. Xiong et al. American Mineralogist (2022)
3DED SCM-25: A Zeolite with Ordered Meso-cavities Interconnected by 12 × 12 × 10-Ring Channels Determined by 3D Electron Diffraction Y. Luo et al. Inorg. Chem. (2022)
3DED Metal-hydrogen-pi-bonded organic frameworks J. Zhu et al. Dalton Transactions (2022)
XRD Disorder Dynamics in Battery Nanoparticles During Phase Transitions Revealed by Operando Single-Particle Diffraction J. J. Huang et al. Advanced Energy Materials (2022)
XRD Position and electric field dependent local lattice strain detected by nanobeam x-ray diffraction on a relaxor ferroelectric single crystal S. Aoyagi et al. Phys. Rev. B (2022)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Fast Mass Microscopy: Mass Spectometry Imaging of a Gigapixel Image in 34 M. Davino et al. AIP Publishing (2022)
FLIM/PLIM Phosphorescence lifetime measurements with sensor materials: Comparison of the four different detection platforms R. Sen et al. ScienceDirect (2022)
Timepix4 Timepix4, a large area pixel detector readout chip which can be tiled on 4 X. Llopart et al. Journal of Instrumentation (2022)
3DED Unprecedented Multifunctionality in 1D Nb1-xTAxS3 Transition Metal Z. Hemmat et al. Wiley online Library (2022)
3DED Structural Evolution in an Annealed (Eu, Tb)-Doped ZnO/Si Nanoscale C. Leroux et al. ACS Publications (2022)
Quantum Science Quantum-Assisted Optical Interferometers: Instrument Requirements A. Nomerotski et al. Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VII (2022)
Neutron Science Recent neutron focusing experiments using polycapillary lens in CSNS K Pan et al. arXiv (2022)
Neutron Science Time-of-Flight resolved neutron imaging from thermal to fast neutron energies at n_TOF EAR2 M Bacak et al. CERN (2022)
Neutron Science Application of energy resolved neutron imaging at n TOF EAR2 M Bacak et al. CERN (2022)
Time Projection Chamber ND-GAr R&D J. Raaf et al. OSTI.GOV (2022)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry 3D Velocity Map Imaging of Electrons Gönenç Moğol, Chuan Cheng, Thomas Weinacht, Andrei Nomerotski, and Carlos Trallero–Herrero
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Application of an Event-Based Camera for Real-Time Velocity Resolved Kinetics K Golibrzuch, S Schwabe, T Zhong, K Papendorf, AM Wodtke JPhysChem (2022)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Stable excited dication: trapping on the S1 state of formaldehyde dication after strong field ionization V Singh, C Cheng, T Weinacht, S Matsika
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Trends in angle-resolved molecular photoelectron spectroscopy Danielle Dowek, Piero Decleva PCCP (2022)
Quantum Science Ray tracing with quantum correlated photons to image a three-dimensional scene Y Zhang et al. Physical Review A (2022)
Quantum Science Trapping and cooling two-dimensional crystals of barium ions A Kato et al. ProQuest (2022)
Quantum Science Two-tone Doppler cooling of radial two-dimensional crystals in a radio-frequency ion trap A Kato et al. Physical Review A (2022)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Ultrafast Coulomb explosion imaging of molecules and molecular clusters X Li et al. Chinese Physics (2022)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Laser-Induced Coulomb Explosion Imaging of Aligned Molecules and Molecular Dimers CA Schouder et al. Annual Review of physical chemistry (2022)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry A simple approach for characterizing the spatially varying sensitivity of microchannel plate detectors D Aglagul et al. Review of Scientific Instruments (2022)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Absolute Phase Resolved Strong Field Ionization Probed By 3d Momentum Imaging DA Debrah et al. Digital Commons (2022)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Laser-induced Coulomb explosion imaging of (C₆H₅Br)₂ and C₆H₅Br–I₂ dimers in helium nanodroplets using a Tpx3Cam C. Schouder et al. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2021)
Quantum Science Two-tone Doppler cooling of radial two-dimensional crystals in a radio frequency ion trap A. Kato et al. Arvix (2021)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Multi-Particle Three-Dimensional Covariance Imaging: “Coincidence” Insights into the Many-Body Fragmentation of Strong-Field Ionized D₂O F. Allum et al. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2021)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Strong Field Ionization of Water II: Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics En Route to Double Ionization C. Cheng et al. Phys. Rev. A (2021)
Quantum Science High-Fidelity Simultaneous Detection of Trapped Ion Qubit Register L. A. Zhukas et al. Physical Review A (2021)
Quantum Science Direct observation of ion micromotion in a linear Paul trap L. A. Zhukas et al. Physical Review A (2021)
Quantum Science High speed imaging of spectral-temporal correlations in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference Y. Zhang et al. Opt. Express (2021)
4D-STEM Observation of dynamic 3D motion of nanoparticles combined with 4D- STEM orientation and phase map in Liquid-Cell STEM microscopy A. Gomez-Perez et al. Oxford Academic (2021)
LEEM Identification of Néel Vector Orientation in Antiferromagnetic Domains Switched by Currents in Ni O/ Ptn Thin Films C. Schmitt et al. Phys. Rev. Applied (2021)
UEM Integrated photonics enables continuous-beam electron phase modulation J. W. Henke et al. Nature (2021)
3DED Inkjet Printed Disposable High-Rate On-Paper Microsupercapacitors Z. Li et al. Adv. Funct. Mater. (2021)
3DED A Comparison of Structure Determination of Small Organic Molecules by 3D Electron Diffraction at Cryogenic and Room Temperature T. Yang et al. Symmetry (2021)
3DED Crystal Structure of Linagliptin Hemihydrate Hemiethanolate (C₂₅H₂₈N₈O₂)₂(H₂O)(C₂H₅OH) from 3D Electron Diffraction Data, Rietveld Refinement, and Density Functional Theory Optimization P. P. Das et al. Cryst. Growth Des. (2021)
UEM 3D Electron Diffraction Structure Determination of Terrylene, a Promising Candidate for Intermolecular Singlet Fission C. L. Hall et al. ChemPhysChem. (2021)
3DED Structure determination, thermal stability and dissolution rate of δ-indomethacin I. Andrusenko et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. (2021)
U-EELS Event-based hyperspectral EELS: towards nanosecond temporal resolution Y. Auad et al. Arvix (2021)
3DED Structural analysis of metastable pharmaceutical loratadine form II, by 3D electron diffraction and DFT+D energy minimisation G. R. Woollam et al. CrystEngComm. (2021)
3DED MyD88 TIR domain higher-order assembly interactions revealed by microcrystal electron diffraction and serial femtosecond crystallography M. T. B. Clabbers et al. Nature Communications (2021)
3DED Statistically correcting dynamical electron scattering improves the refinement of protein nanocrystals, including charge refinement of coordinated metals T. Blum et al. Acta Crystallographica D (2021)
3DED Manipulation of Stacking Order in Td-WTe ₂ by Ultrafast Optical Excitation S. Ji, O. Grånäs, and J. Weissenrieder. ACS Nano. (2021)
3DED High-Throughput Electron Diffraction Reveals a Hidden Novel Metal–Organic Framework for Electrocatalysis M. Ge et al. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2021)
3DED Structural origin of the high-voltage instability of lithium cobalt oxide J. Li et al. Nature Nanotechnology (2021)
3DED A simple pressure-assisted method for MicroED specimen preparation J. Zhao et al. bioRxiv (2021)
UEM Femtosecond laser driven precessing magnetic gratings G. Cao et al. Nanoscale (2021)
XRD Time-Resolved Nanobeam X-ray Diffraction of a Relaxor Ferroelectric Single Crystal under an Alternating Electric Field S. Aoyagi et al. Crystals (2021)
XRM Rational design of mechanically robust Ni-rich cathode materials via concentration gradient strategy T. Liu et al. Nature Communications (2021)
XRD Removal of spurious data in Bragg coherent diffraction imaging: an algorithm for automated data preprocessing K. Pelzer et al. J. Appl. Cryst. (2021)
XRD High-Throughput 3D Ensemble Characterization of Individual Core–Shell Nanoparticles with X-ray Free Electron Laser Single-Particle Imaging D. H. Cho et al. ACS Nano (2021)
XRD Laue microdiffraction evaluation of bending stress in Au wiring formed on chip-embedded flexible hybrid electronics M. Murugesan et al. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. (2021)
XRM In situ microbeam surface X-ray scattering reveals alternating step kinetics during crystal growth G. Ju et al. Nature Communications (2021)
XRM Real-time sparse-sampled Ptychographic imaging through deep neural networks M. Mariappan et al. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (2021)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Ion imaging of native protein complexes using orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry and a Timepix detector A. Mathew et al. ACS Publications (2021)
Neutron Science A novel energy resolved neutron imaging detector based on a time stamping J. Yang et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (2021)
Miscellaneous Novel imaging technique for α-particles using a fast optical camera G. D’amen et al. Journal of Instrumentaiton (2021)
Neutron Science New perspectives for neutron imaging through advanced event-mode data acquisition AS Losko et al. Scientific Reports (2021)
Neutron Science Event-Mode Neutron Imaging Using the TPX3Cam-Breaking the Boundaries of Conventional Neutron Imaging Techniques AS Losko et al. Research Square (2021)
Time Projection Chamber Developing a Silicon Pixel Detector for the Next Generation LHCb Experiment P. Švihra. ProQuest (2021)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Femtosecond molecular dynamics viewed by multi-model imaging Yusong Liu, et al. Proc. SPIE (2021)
UEM Free-electron qubits and maximum-contrast attosecond pulses via temporal Talbot revivals Tsarev et al. Phys. Rev. Research (2021)
Quantum Science Fast imaging of single photons in quantum assisted optical interferometers A Nomerotski et al arXiv (2021)
Quantum Science Time-stamping and counting of single photons using fast camera A Nomerotski et al. IEEE Xplore (2021)
Quantum Science Quantum-Assisted Optical Interferometry A Parsells, J Schiff et al. Quantastro (2021)
Quantum Science Novel Methods in Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing: Single-Photon-Sensitive Time-Resolving Camera, Sympathetic Cooling, and Qutrit L Zhukas et al. ProQuest (2021)
Quantum Science Direct observation of ion micromotion in a linear Paul trap LA Zhukas et al. Physical Review A (2021)
Time Projection Chamber Development of a Fast Optical Readout Using Timepix Technology for Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Detectors with the ARIADNE Experiment J Vann et al. ProQuest (2021)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Ultrafast 3d imaging technique employing event-driven cameras W Li et al. US Patent App. 17/667,148 (2021)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Single-shot MHz velocity-map-imaging using two Timepix3 cameras H Bromberger et al, arXiv (2021)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Molecular-frame measurements of light-induced processes using rotational coherences driven by ultrafast laser pulses HVS Lam et al. ProQuest (2021)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Determining the stereo configuration of carbonyl sulfide dimers using Coulomb-explosion imaging X Yu et al. Physical Review A (2021)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Angle-dependent strong-field ionization and fragmentation of carbon dioxide measured using rotational wave packets H. Lam et al. Physical Review A (2020)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Momentum-resolved above-threshold ionization of deuterated water C. Cheng et al. Physical Review A (2020)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Excited-state dynamics of CH₂ I₂ and CH₂ IBr studied with UVpump VUV-probe momentum-resolved photoion spectroscopy Y. Liu et al. The Journal of Chemical Physics (2020)
FLIM/PLIM Mapping O₂ concentration in ex-vivo tissue samples on a fast PLIM macro-imager R. Sen et al. Scientific Reports (2020)
Quantum Science Multivariate discrimination in quantum target detection P. Svihra et al. Applied Physics Letters (2020)
Quantum Science Fast camera spatial characterization of photonic polarization entanglement C. Ianzano et al. Scientific Reports (2020)
FLIM/PLIM Characterization of planar phosphorescence based oxygen sensors on a TCSPC-PLIM macro-imager R. Sen et al. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2020)
FLIM/PLIM A new macro-imager based on Tpx3Cam optical camera for PLIM applications R. Sen et al. SPIE (2020)
Quantum Science Counting of Hong-Ou-Mandel Bunched Optical Photons Using a Fast Pixel Camera A. Nomerotski et al. Sensors (2020)
Quantum Science Multidimensional quantum-enhanced target detection via spectrotemporal-correlation measurements Y. Zhang et al. Physical Review A (2020)
LEEM An insulating doped antiferromagnet with low magnetic symmetry as a room temperature spin conduit A. Ross et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. (2020)
3DED A Porphyrinic Zirconium Metal–Organic Framework for Oxygen Reduction Reaction: Tailoring the Spacing between Active-Sites through Chain-Based Inorganic Building Units M. O. Cichoka et al. ACS Publications (2020)
3DED Atomically precise single-crystal structures of electrically conducting 2D metal–organic frameworks J. Dou et al. Nature Materials (2020)
3DED Modulated structure determination and ion transport mechanism of oxide-ion conductor CeNbO ₄₊δ J. Li et al. Nature Communications (2020)
3DED Liquid-like Interfaces Mediate Structural Phase Transitions in Lead Halide Perovskites C. Bischak et al. Matter (2020)
3DED A lipocalin mediates unidirectional heme biomineralization in malaria parasites J. Matz et al. PNAS (2020)
3DED Sub-pixel electron detection using a convolutional neural network J. P. van Schayck et al. Ultramicroscopy (2020)
3DED Visualizing drug binding interactions using microcrystal electron diffraction M. T. B. Clabbers et al. Nature Communications Biology (2020)
3DED Introducing the crystalline phase of dicalcium phosphate monohydrate B. Lu et al. Nature communications (2020)
3DED Nanocrystals of Lead Chalcohalides: A Series of Kinetically Trapped Metastable Nanostructures S. Toso et al. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2020)
3DED Can 3D electron diffraction provide accurate atomic structures of metal organic frameworks? Z. Hang et al. Faraday Discussions (2020)
XRD Revealing the Structural Evolution and Phase Transformation of O3-Type NaNi₁/₃Fe₁/₃Mn₁/₃O₂ Cathode Material on Sintering and Cycling Processes Y. Xie et al. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. (2020)
SAXS Mirror to measure small angle x-ray scattering signal in high energy density experiments M. Šmíd et al. Review of Scientific Instruments (2020)
XRD Combining Laue diffraction with Bragg coherent diffraction imaging at 34-ID-C A. Pateras et al. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (2020)
XRM Real-time sparse-sampled Ptychographic imaging through deep neural networks M. J. Cherukara et al. Arxiv (2020)
XRD Nanoscale imaging of the full strain tensor of specific dislocations extracted from a bulk sample F. Hofmann et al. Physical Review Materials (2020)
Time Projection Chamber Optical Readout of the ARIADNE LArTPC using a Timepix3-based Camera A. Lowe et al. Instruments (2020)
3DED The application of electron backscatter diffraction on halide perovskite H. Sun et al. Advanced energy Materials (2020)
Time Projection Chamber ARIADNE Design, Construction and Operation of a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber with Novel Optical Readout A. Roberts. ProQuest (2020)
UEM Attosecond metrology in a continuous-beam transmission electron microscope Ryabov et al. Science (2020)
Quantum Science Spatial and temporal characterization of polarization entanglement A Nomerotski et al Journal of Quantum (2020)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Molecular sunscreen: water protects pyrrole from radiation damage M Johny et al. arXiv (2020)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Electron correlation in channel-resolved strong-field molecular double ionization C. Cheng et al. Physical Review A (2019)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Developing a camera-based 3D momentum imaging system capable of 1 Mhits/s D. Debrah et al. Review of Scientific Instruments (2019)
FLIM/PLIM New luminescence lifetime macro-imager based on a Tpx3Cam optical camera R. Sen et al. Biomed Opt Express (2019)
Quantum Science Imaging and time stamping of photons with nanosecond resolution in Timepix based optical cameras A. Nomerotski. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (2019)
LEEM Early-stage dynamics of metallic droplets embedded in the nanotextured Mott insulating phase of V₂O₃ A. Ronchi et al. Phys. Rev. B (2019)
3DED 3D electron diffraction techniques M. Gemmi and A.E. Lanza. Acta Crystallographica B (2019)
3DED Crystal Orientation and Grain Size: Do They Determine Optoelectronic Properties of MAPbI₃ Perovskite? L. Muscarella et al. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2019)
3DED A metal-organic framework for efficient water-based ultra-low-temperature-driven cooling D. Lenzen et al. Nature Communications (2019)
3DED Daliranite, PbHgAs₂S₅: determination of the incommensurately modulated structure and revision of the chemical formula A.E. Lanza et al. Acta Crystallographica B (2019)
3DED Evidence for Subsolidus Quartz-Coesite transformation in impact ejecta from the Australasian Tektie strewn field F. Campanale et al. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2019)
3DED Automated serial rotation electron diffraction combines with cluster analysis: An efficient multi-crystal workflow for structure determination B. Wang et al. IUCrJ (2019)
3DED The Crystal Structure of Orthocetamol Solved by 3D Electron Diffraction I. Andrusenko et al., Angewandte Chemie (2019)
3DED 3D electron diffraction unravels the new Zeolite ECNU‐23 from the “Pure” powder sample of ECNU‐21 X. Liu et al. Angewandte Chemie (2019)
XRD Current status of nanobeam x-ray diffraction station at SPring-8 Y. Imai et al. AIP Conference Proceedings (2019)
XPCS Coherent X-ray spectroscopy reveals the persistence of island arrangements during layer-by-layer growth G. Ju et al. Nature Physics (2019)
XRD High-energy coherent X-ray diffraction microscopy of polycrystal grains S. Maddali et al. Arxiv (2019)
Quantum Science Multidimensional quantum illumination via direct measurement of spectro-temporal correlations Y. Zhang et al. arXiv (2019)
Time Projection Chamber ARIADNE: A novel photographic 1-ton dual-phase LArTPC K Mavrokoridis et al. Proceedings of (2019)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry PymePix: A python library for SPIDR readout of Timepix3 AF Al-Refaieb et al. Journal of Instrumentation (2019)
3DED High-throughput continuous rotation electron diffraction data acquisition via software automation M. O. Cichocka et al. Journal of Applied Crystallography (2018)
3DED Reducing dynamical electron scattering reveals hydrogen atoms M. T. B. Clabbers et al. Acta Crystallographica Section A (2018)
3DED Ab Initio Structure Determination of Cu₂₋ₓTe Plasmonic Nanocrystals by Precession-Assisted Electron Diffraction Tomography and HAADF-STEM Imaging E. Mugnaioli et al. Inorganic Chemistry (2018)
3DED Characterization at the level of individual crystals: single crystal MFI type Zeolite grains. T. Gruene et al. Chemistry (2018)
3DED Ab initio structure determination of nanocrystals of organic pharmaceutical com-pounds by electron diffraction at room temperature using a Timepix quantum area direct electron detector. E. van Genderen et al. Acta Crystallographica A (2018)
3DED Crystal Structures of Two Important Pharmaceuticals Solved by 3D Precession Electron Diffraction Tomography P. P. Das et al. Organic Process Research Development (2018)
XRD Active site localization of methane oxidation on Pt nanocrystals D. Kim et al. Nature Communications (2018)
XRD Anisotropic nano-scale resolution in 3D Bragg coherent diffraction imaging M. J. Cherukara et al. Applied Physics Letters (2018)
Time Projection Chamber First demonstration of 3D optical readout of a TPC using a single photon A. Roberts et al. Journal of Instrumentation (2018)
Quantum Science Spatial characterization of photonic polarization entanglement using a Tpx3Cam intensified fast-camera C Ianzano et al. arXiv (2018)
UEM Tilted Electron Pulses Ehberg et al. PRL (2018)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Quadruple coincidence measurement of electron correlation in strong-field molecular double ionization A Zhao et al. Physical Review A (2018)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Coincidence velocity map imaging using Tpx3Cam, a time stamping optical camera with 1.5ns timing resolution A. Zhao et al. Review of Scientific Instruments (2017)
EBSD [Ti₈Zr₂O₁₂(COO)₁₆] Cluster: An Ideal Inorganic Building Unit for Photoactive Metal–Organic Frameworks S. Yuan et al. ACS Central Science (2017)
3DED Protein structure determination by electron diffraction using a single three-dimensional nanocrystal M. T. B. Clabbers et al. Acta Crystallographica D (2017)
3DED Elucidation of the elusive structure and formula of the active pharmaceutical ingredient bismuth subgallate by continuous rotation electron diffraction Y. Wang et al. Chemical Communications (2017)
3DED Crystal Phases in Hybrid Metal–Semiconductor Nanowire Devices J. David et al. Nano Letters (2017)
XRD Ultrafast Three-Dimensional Integrated Imaging of Strain in Core/Shell Semiconductor/Metal Nanostructures M. J. Cherukara et al. ACS Nano Letters (2017)
XRD Ultrafast three-dimensional X-ray Imaging of deformation modes in ZnO nanocrystals M. J. Cherukara et al. ACS Nano Letters (2017)
Quantum Science Characterization of TimepixCam, a fast imager for the time-stamping of optical photons A. Nomerotski et al. Journal of Instrumentation (2017)
Dosimetry Deriving spatially resolved beta dose rates in sediment using the Timepix A. A. Romanyukha et al. Radiation Measurements (2017)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Ionic Dynamics in Molecular Strong Field Ionization AX Zhao et al. ProQuest (2017)
Dosimetry Development of a transmission alpha particle dosimetry technique using A549 R Al Darwish et al. Med Phys. (2016)
Quantum Science TimepixCam: a fast optical imager with time-stamping M. Fisher-Levine and A. Nomerotski. Journal of Instrumentation (2016)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Time-Resolved imaging of the MALDI Linear-TOF Ion Cloud: Direct visualization and exploitation of ion optical phenomena using a position- and time-sensitive detector S. R. Ellis et al. Journ. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrometry (2014)
3DED A Medipix quantum area detector allows rotation electron diffraction data collection from submicrometre three-dimensional protein crystals I. Nederlof et al. Acta Crystallographica D (2013)
XRM Nanoscale Hard X-Ray Microscopy Methods for Materials Studies* M. Holt et al. Annual Review of Materials Research (2013)
XRM 11 nm hard X-ray focus from a large-aperture multilayer Laue lens X. Huang et al. Nature Scientific Reports (2013)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Enhanced detection of high-mass proteins by using an active pixel detector S. R. Ellis et al. Angewandte Chemie (2013)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Cluster secondary ion mass spectrometry microscope mode mass spectrometry imaging A. Kiss et al. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (2013)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Detection systems for mass spectrometry imaging: A perspective on novel developments with a focus on active pixel detectors J. H. Jungmann et al. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (2013)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry Biological tissue imaging with a position and time sensitive pixelated detector J. H. Jungmann et al. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrometry (2012)
VMI & Mass Spectrometry High dynamic range bio-molecular ion microscopy with the Timepix detector J. H. Jungmann et al. Analytical Chemistry (2011)
3DED Heterogeneity of nano-sized zeolite crystals J.T.C. Wennmacher et al. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
3DED Crystalline Curcumin bioMOF Obtained by Precipitation in Supercritical CO₂ and Structural Determination by Electron Diffraction Tomography N. Portolés-Gil et al. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering
3DED Superconductivity in Perovskite Ba₀.₈₅₋ₓLaₓPr₀.₁₅(Bi₀.₂₀Pb₀.₈₀)O₃−δ A. Firdous et al. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
XRD Methods for operando coherent X-ray diffraction of battery materials at the Advaned Photon Source L. Li et al. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (201)
VMI And Mass Spectrometry An ambient detection system for visualization of charged particles generated with ionization methods at atmospheric pressure B. Hommersom et al. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
VMI And Mass Spectrometry A micro-pixelated ion imaging detector for mass resolution enhancement of a QMS instrument S. U. A. H. Syed et al. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Experimental investigation of the 2D ion beam profile generated by an ESI Octopole-QMS system S. U. A. H. Syed et al. Journal of The American Society for Mass
VMI And Mass Spectrometry Deriving spatially resolved beta dose rates in sediment using the Timepix pixelated detector J. H. Jungmann et al. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
Software Full package for 3DED data acquisition developed in Stockholm Instamatic
Software Alternative data processing for VMI for TPX3CAM PymePix
Software Driver for all SPIDR3-based Timepix-3 detectors EPICS driver from PSI
Software Erik Maddox converter tpx3-to-root
Software Erik Maddox calculation script for MTF ASI_MTF
Software Quantum Visualization Software (Ottawa) PixGUI
Software Imaging mass spectrometry code by Ian Anthony M4I FastMass
Software Peter Svihra's repository TimePix3
Software Yves Auads tools for U-EELS TimeSTEM
Software ORNL code for SPDR3/TPX3 HDK Sophiread
Software Lukas Palatinus software for cRED/3DED PETS
Software StonyBrook software for VMI data analysis with TDC code Timepix
Software StonyBrook VMI centtroiding algorithm Timepix_centroided
Software Losless compression algorithm for TEM data, by Senik TERSE/PROLIX