Category Publication Author Link
FLIM/PLIM Fluorescence Lifetime Macro Imager for Biomedical Applications R.Sen et al. JoVE Journal (2023)
FLIM/PLIM Single-shot photoluminescence lifetime imaging for fast wide-field optical thermometry X Liu, A Skripka, Y Lai, C Jiang, J Liu et al. High-Speed (2023)
FLIM/PLIM Analysis of tumour oxygenation in model animals on a phosphorescence lifetime based macro-imager. Z. AV et al. Sci Rep (2023)
FLIM/PLIM Phosphorescence lifetime measurements with sensor materials: Comparison of the four different detection platforms R. Sen et al. ScienceDirect (2022)
FLIM/PLIM Mapping O₂ concentration in ex-vivo tissue samples on a fast PLIM macro-imager R. Sen et al. Scientific Reports (2020)
FLIM/PLIM Characterization of planar phosphorescence based oxygen sensors on a TCSPC-PLIM macro-imager R. Sen et al. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2020)
FLIM/PLIM A new macro-imager based on Tpx3Cam optical camera for PLIM applications R. Sen et al. SPIE (2020)
FLIM/PLIM New luminescence lifetime macro-imager based on a Tpx3Cam optical camera R. Sen et al. Biomed Opt Express (2019)