Category Publication Author Link
UEM Attosecond electron microscopy by free-electron homodyne detection Gaida et al. Nature Photonics (2024)
UEM Direct Observation of Sub-Poissonian Temporal Statistics in a Continuous Free-Electron Beam with Subpicosecond Resolution S. Borrelli, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. (2024)
UEM Lorentz microscopy of optical fields Gaida, J.H., Lourenço-Martins, H., Yalunin, S.V. et al. Nat Commun (2024)
UEM Real-time electron clustering in an event-driven hybrid pixel detector J. Kuttruff, J. Holder, Y. Meng, P. Baum et al. Ultramicroscopy (2024)
UEM Terahertz control and timing correlations in a transmission electron microscope Joel Kuttruff et al. Sci. Adv (2024)
UEM Structured electrons with chiral mass and charge Yiqi Fang et al. Science (2024)
UEM Electron Imaging of Nanoscale Charge Distributions Induced by Femtosecond Light Pulses Weber, Jonathan T., Schäfer, Sascha et al. ACS Publications (2024)
UEM Femtosecond trimer quench in the unconventional charge-density-wave material Domr\"ose, Till and Ropers, Claus et al. Phys. Rev. B (2024)
UEM Electrons herald non-classical light Germaine Arend et al. arXiv (2024)
UEM Megahertz cycling of ultrafast structural dynamics enabled by nanosecond thermal dissipation Till Domröse and Leonardo da Camara Silva and Claus Ropers et al. arXiv (2024)
UEM Laser-driven cold-field emission source for ultrafast transmission electron microscopy A. Schröder et al. arXiv (2024)
UEM Coulomb-correlated electron number states in a transmission electron microscope beam Haindl et al. Nature Physics (2023)
UEM Improving the temporal resolution of event-based electron detectors using neural network cluster analysis Schroeder et al. arXiv (2023)
UEM Attosecond electron microscopy of sub-cycle optical dynamics Nabben, D., Kuttruff, J., Stolz, L. et al. Nature (2023)
UEM Cavity-mediated electron-photon pairs A. Feist et al. Arvix (2022)
UEM Integrated photonics enables continuous-beam electron phase modulation J. W. Henke et al. Nature (2021)
UEM 3D Electron Diffraction Structure Determination of Terrylene, a Promising Candidate for Intermolecular Singlet Fission C. L. Hall et al. ChemPhysChem. (2021)
UEM Femtosecond laser driven precessing magnetic gratings G. Cao et al. Nanoscale (2021)
UEM Free-electron qubits and maximum-contrast attosecond pulses via temporal Talbot revivals Tsarev et al. Phys. Rev. Research (2021)
UEM Attosecond metrology in a continuous-beam transmission electron microscope Ryabov et al. Science (2020)
UEM Tilted Electron Pulses Ehberg et al. PRL (2018)